Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Invasion of the Muppets

While taking part in the Lord's Supper one Sunday, I had an Epiphany. No. I didn't have any saintly visions. (I wasn't actually as tuned into the service as I should've been. I admit it.) The men who would "wait on the tables" had marched down the aisles and lined up behind the sturdy, white box-like tables and that's when it hit me: These guys would make awesome Muppets!

Each one of them--at least on the right side where we sit--had some highly distinguishable facial features: Bushy eyebrows, over-sized glasses, lip-hiding mustaches, completely receded hairlines but a surprising amount of curly hair in the back. All we were missing was a Abraham Lincoln beard. The men were all different sizes too, with hands clasped reverently in front of them. I expected them to start alternately bobbing up and down while singing a Peter, Paul, and Mary song or at least "Mahna, Mahna." Also, the tables would be a perfect place for the puppeteers to hide behind.

I should be embarrassed of this revelation. It only highlights how easily I can be distracted. But it did make me think about how creative God is when making humans. He has more variety at his fingertips than the puppet makers at the Henson laboratories! I don't think I'd make a very interesting looking Muppet, but I'm glad God made us all so different!

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